Marine Sector & Yachting – Buyfromturkey We are connecting you with best wholesale material suppliers from Turkey Fri, 04 Jun 2021 13:54:28 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Marine Sector & Yachting – Buyfromturkey 32 32 Building a Boat : Different Stages Fri, 04 Jun 2021 13:54:28 +0000 The construction of a floating structure for building a boat (motorboat, restaurant, barge, pontoon, …) requires about 18 months from the initial request of the client to design his project to the final delivery. Different teams are involved throughout the process, which can be divided into 7 stages: 1. Design2. Industrialization study3. Arrival of raw […]

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The construction of a floating structure for building a boat (motorboat, restaurant, barge, pontoon, …) requires about 18 months from the initial request of the client to design his project to the final delivery. Different teams are involved throughout the process, which can be divided into 7 stages:

1. Design
2. Industrialization study
3. Arrival of raw materials
4. Manufacturing of the hull
4.1. Prefabrication of blocks or panels in the workshop
4.2. Mounting/welding on the assembly marble
5. Armament and layout
6. Launching and finishing
6.1. Preparation for the launch
6.2. Floating finish

Discover below these detailed steps and how our different professions, embodied by passionate professionals, guarantee the success of each of them for building a boat.

1. Design for building a boat

Just like the construction of a building or a dwelling, shipbuilding is subject to a preliminary design study called “Preliminary Summary Design (PSD)”. For building a boat, overall, design and structural plans allow to define all the technical and physical characteristics of the future boat. These elements are defined with the client, an architectural firm and an assistant project manager who rely on the standards and rules imposed by the future location, the final use of the structure as well as the various environmental and safety standards associated with it. From these elements, the “studies and projects” team can establish its first commercial proposal.

2. Industrialization study for building a boat

During this stage, the architects ‘ plans are transformed into a manufacturing plan adapted to the method and the infrastructures (means of production, handling and structures.). To start building a boat the sample of the structure is checked. Further more the team details the work plan by plan, element by element, from the panels used to create the bottom, the partitions to the different profiles, flanges and other elements to stiffen the structure, passing by the different elements constituting the work. The project managers in collaboration with the supply manager carry out the various orders relying on the supplier partners.

3. Arrival of raw materials

In building a boat, we receive on the site the raw materials and the various oxy-cut parts resulting from the nomenclature and cuttings established in the previous phase. The warehouseman processes this. Then, it is unloaded with a crane by the production teams. The crane operator is guided from the ground by radio by one of the boilermaker team leaders and his team in charge of securing the load during handling with different lifting accessories (e.g. spreaders, sheet metal tongs…). One of the car operators handles other elements.

4. Manufacturing of the hull

4.1. Prefabrication of blocks or panels in the workshop

boat building

In building a boat, crane, trailer and forklift truck transport the various elements necessary for the construction of the hull (sheets, profiles…) to the boiler workshop according to the process needs. In the workshop, the boilermakers bend and preform the elements of the future work with the help of various machine tools according to the desired shapes. Then they pre-assemble these boiler-made or mechanically welded elements to prepare them for the assembly phase and then for welding by the welders.

4.2. Mounting/welding on the assembly marble

During the assembly by the boilermakers, at each panel assembled to constitute the various compartments of the boat, we align the blocks with the telescope by taking as reference the assembly plate levelled at the beginning of the construction. In building a boat, the charged team places the panels on the marble with a crane and brings together with the help of jacks and hoists until they have placed the elements. At the end of the assembly, the welders weld all the elements together. At the end of this phase, the outer hull and the different compartments of the boat are assembled.

5. Armament and layout

Once we have mounted the hull and the various decks, various trades intervene to dress the hull of the boat, painters, masons, electricians, insulators, pipefitters, mechanics of edges and workshops… Each of these trades has its own requirements for carrying out its activities. The boilermakers and pipefitters thus make reservations at the places defined in advance on the recollage plans.

Then, the electricians and edge mechanics begin to lay the equipment they are in charge of. Of course, these various activities create risks related to the intervention of these different trades in spaces as small as the hull of a boat. For this reason, the project manager and the production manager ensures the proper realization of these works in complete safety in consultation with the safety and environment facilitator.

6. Launching and finishing on building a boat

6.1. Preparation for the launch (ripping/shifting/painting of live works)

After that, the shore draw team prepares the launch operation. Firstly, we shif the structure which consists in shifting the boat from the marble to the draw carriages on land, allowing the launch. This operation is carried out by means of so-called hauling or shifting winches which make it possible to translate the structure of the assembly marble as far as the axis of the draw track on land. Therefore, this translation allows the welders to finalize the bottom welds and painters, permanent subcontractors of the site, to paint the vivid works (part of the structure to immerse).

6.2. Floating finish

Finally, for building a boat, during this stage, crane places indicator lights on the trolleys on the ground. They allow to materialize the submerged trolleys and thus maintain the boat perfectly positioned on these trolleys in the axis of the track. The shore team can then progressively lower the structure on the rails until it reaches the water. After that, our team put the boat in the dock for finishing touches and navigation tests. Lastly, in the presence of the client, we carry out these tests. The project manager in charge of the work is also present with an on-board mechanic and an electrician to take over the motorization and turning part of the work if necessary.

Boat building

If you want to know more about boatbuilders in Turkey, please visit our Turkish marine sector yachting listings here or here.

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Boat Purchase Guide: 8 Tips to Buy a New Boat Wed, 02 Jun 2021 10:31:28 +0000 Our 8 tips to buy a new boat Have you decided to buy a new boat and take the plunge into the world of boating? This excellent family leisure will allow you to live unique moments with family and friends in addition to making you discover new horizons. However, deciding to buy a new boat […]

The post Boat Purchase Guide: 8 Tips to Buy a New Boat appeared first on Buyfromturkey.

Our 8 tips to buy a new boat

Have you decided to buy a new boat and take the plunge into the world of boating? This excellent family leisure will allow you to live unique moments with family and friends in addition to making you discover new horizons.

However, deciding to buy a new boat is much more complex than buying a new car. It is not easy to find your way through this maze of models and, above all, to choose the boat that suits you best. There are various factors to consider which, depending on your tastes and needs, maybe more or less important in choosing a boat.

Here is a short guide to help you in your approach.

1) Talk with owners
2) Identify the type of boats that suits you.
3) The size is important
4) New or used?
5) Do not succumb to the first model visited
6) Imagine yourself living on board
7) Choose quality and a reputable brand
8) Give it a try

1) Talk with owners

Talk with people who have a boat, mainly those who do the same activities you plan to do. You can learn from their experiences and, especially, do not make the same mistakes. A friend can advise you on how to buy a new boat and help you guide your choice.

2) Identify the type of boats that suits you.

This is not obvious. Remember that your tastes will evolve over the years and that the type of activities you like now may be different in a few years. The small boat intended for water sports could no longer suit when you want to follow friends for a weekend on the water. When you want to buy a new boat, plan long term, you will save.

3) The size is important

Once you have chosen the ideal type of boat you want to buy, you need to look at the dimensions. It is crucial to select a boat according to the bodies of water on which you will sail most often. A small boat may be convenient to store or transport, but it becomes less enjoyable on larger, rougher waters. A larger boat will be more comfortable and more pleasant on the water, requiring a larger budget. Be aware that operating costs are generally associated with the size of the boat (storage, gas, insurance, marina). It’s better to have a smaller boat and enjoy it to the fullest than to have a larger boat and have to leave it at the quay. Human nature dictates that we often want a boat that is larger than we can afford. You have to find the right balance.

4) New or used?

As with cars, to buy a new boat or to purchase a used boat has its share of advantages and disadvantages. Just see what you are most comfortable with.

New: It will be more expensive to buy a new boat, and you will have to absorb quite a bit of depreciation in the first few years, hence the importance of choosing the right boat. On the other hand, you will have a boat that you are delighted with since you will have the possibility to select the various equipment and options. Also, you will be able to enjoy a new boat, with all the fun that comes with it, without any hassle because of the manufacturer’s warranty.

Used: Buying a used model allows you to make significant savings. You can get a boat for less money or take advantage of it to buy a larger boat that would often be inaccessible to you when it is new. On the downside, buying a used model is a bit riskier. You may have to make unexpected repairs or end up with someone else’s problems. That’s why it’s crucial to have a used model adequately evaluated before you buy it. You will also have to live with the boat and its imperfections.

5) Do not succumb to the first model visited

Visit several boats during your purchasing process and avoid deciding on the first model that comes along. To buy a new boat is a very emotional process and, too often, we get carried away by the first model we see. Take your time and make the pleasure last. Be aware that each boat has its own particularities, and even with the same dimensions, one model may attract you a little more because of its ergonomics or particularities. Do not hesitate to go around comparable models to make an informed decision and not regret your purchase afterwards.

6) Imagine yourself living on board

When you visit a boat, don’t hesitate to imagine what life will be like on board: try out all the seats, check the cockpit’s ergonomics, imagine your passengers seated and move around. Validate the size and number of storage spaces, and if the boat has a cabin, don’t hesitate to try out the bathroom and berths to check their comfort and size. Different configurations may or may not appeal to you.

7) Choose quality and a reputable brand

Some lesser-known brands may be attractive because of their more competitive price. However, you should know that the price to pay for this “saving” is inevitably lower quality and durability. In addition, these boats will have a higher depreciation and, above all, a lower resale value, which will penalize you at the time of resale or exchange. You will ultimately lose the savings you initially made on buy a new boat. Always buy the best quality possible.

8) Give it a try

Even if it is a little more complicated, ask to test the boat. You can always sign a contract, conditional on a subsequent trial. You will be able to check its behaviour on the water and, above all, make sure that the chosen motorization is adequate. An underpowered boat is anything but pleasant… To help you, know that more and more boat lounges afloat allow you to test various models and compare several boats in the same place.

In short, you must imagine life with your boat and the lifestyle you want to adopt. This will significantly assist you in determining the type of boat to purchase and the ideal size. Then target a few brands and models and visit several comparable boats. Also, be aware that relationship and trust with your dealer are essential elements in the equation.

buy a new boat

If you want to buy a new boat from Turkey, please visit our Turkish boat manufacturers category here or here.

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