Uncategorized – Buyfromturkey https://buyfromturkey.co We are connecting you with best wholesale material suppliers from Turkey Sun, 26 Sep 2021 16:40:27 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.2 https://buyfromturkey.co/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/cropped-bft-logo-32x32.png Uncategorized – Buyfromturkey https://buyfromturkey.co 32 32 What is Camphor & Benefits of It https://buyfromturkey.co/what-is-camphor-benefits-of-it/ https://buyfromturkey.co/what-is-camphor-benefits-of-it/#respond Sun, 26 Sep 2021 16:40:27 +0000 https://emcagroup.co/what-is-camphor-benefits-of-it/ What is Camphor? How to Use Camphor? What are the Benefits? Benefits of Camphor Oil for Skin, Hair and Body Other Uses of Camphor Oil Camphor, which is one of the rare plants that usually grows in tropical regions, has recently been mentioned with its benefits. Camphor, one of the oldest trees in the world, […]

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What is Camphor?

How to Use Camphor?

What are the Benefits?

Benefits of Camphor Oil for Skin, Hair and Body

Other Uses of Camphor Oil

Camphor, which is one of the rare plants that usually grows in tropical regions, has recently been mentioned with its benefits. Camphor, one of the oldest trees in the world, can live up to 1700-1800 years. At the same time, camphor oil obtained from the camphor tree plant strengthens immunity against upper respiratory ailments such as flu and cold, which occur with the cold weather. What is camphor and benefits of it will be explained below.

camphor oilThe camphor tree plant, which helps to protect the immune system against upper respiratory diseases such as flu and cold that occurs during the transition of the seasons and in the winter, is among the medicinal plants that have been wondered recently. Camphor plant leaves can be used as well as camphor oil provides many benefits to the body.

What is Camphor?

Camphor tree is a rare plant species that usually grows in tropical regions. This tree does not usually grow in regions where temperature differences are too great. The main countries where camphor, a tropical plant, is grown are India, Nepal, Bangladesh and Vietnam. Camphor, whose Latin name is Unnamomums, is among the longest living plants. Camphor, a plant specific to the Far East countries, has been used frequently in Turkish cuisine and alternative medicine in recent years.

How to Use Camphor, What are the Benefits?

The camphor tree plant has many different uses. When it is desired to be used externally, it should be mixed with warm water. Camphor, which is frequently used in foot and hand care, is very good for varicose and calluses. When smelling the camphor plant, which is a natural pain reliever, it is also good for fatigue and chronic migraine pains.

Protects the immune system

It helps to protect the immune system against upper respiratory tract diseases such as flu and cold, which usually occur during seasonal transitions and winter seasons. Tea made with camphor, on the other hand, helps to overcome many diseases in a much shorter time. When used regularly, it helps to cut dry and stubborn coughs.

Camphor stops diarrhea

In addition, it helps to reduce complaints such as heartburn, bloating and indigestion. In order to benefit from this feature, it can be drunk as a cup of tea about an hour after dinner.

Beneficial for kidney health

Drinking a cup of camphor tea a day also helps maintain kidney health. Camphor, which prevents the formation of sand and stones in the kidneys, also helps to get rid of the edema.

Benefits of Camphor Oil for Skin, Hair and Body

Relieves pain

Applying camphor to the skin helps relieve pain and inflammation. Studies have found that a spray containing natural ingredients such as camphor, menthol, and clove and eucalyptus essential oils is effective at relieving mild to moderate pain. You may feel a tingling, warming or cooling sensation when you use camphor products. Apply a camphor spray or ointment to the affected area several times a day.

Heals burns

To heal burn wounds people use camphor oil or camphor-containing balms and creams. An animal study found that an ointment containing camphor, sesame oil, and honey reduced the healing time of second-degree burn wounds and was more beneficial than using Vaseline. To use, apply an ointment to the affected area once a day.

Treats toenail fungus

The anti-fungal properties of camphor make it useful in treating toenail fungus. Studies have shown that containing camphor oil, as well as menthol and eucalyptus oil, to be effective in treating fungal nails.

Relieves congestion and cough

Camphor oil has decongestant and cough suppressant properties. Studies have shown that inhaling camphor oil as steam is good for respiratory diseases.

Relieves muscle pain

It can help relieve muscle cramps, spasms, and stiffness. Studies have shown that camphor oil has muscle relaxant properties. To use, massage your sore muscles with camphor oil several times a day.

Other Uses of Camphor Oil

  • Hair loss
  • Acne
  • Warts
  • Earache
  • Pale
  • Hemorrhoids
  • Poor blood circulation
  • Swelling
  • Anxiety disorders
  • Depression
  • Muscle spasms
  • Low libido

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Side Effects of Cosmetic Products https://buyfromturkey.co/side-effects-of-cosmetic-products/ https://buyfromturkey.co/side-effects-of-cosmetic-products/#respond Tue, 21 Sep 2021 19:06:04 +0000 https://emcagroup.co/side-effects-of-cosmetic-products/ Indispensable for daily life Products with additives Undesirable side effects Cosmetic intolerance Shampoo can cause eczema “Patch test” against eczema Don’t let the perfume stain your skin Does oily cream cause acne? Rules to consider when using cosmetics Cosmetic products, which people don’t hesitate to spend a fortune for the sake of beautification, can bring […]

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Indispensable for daily life

Products with additives

Undesirable side effects

Cosmetic intolerance

Shampoo can cause eczema

“Patch test” against eczema

Don’t let the perfume stain your skin

Does oily cream cause acne?

Rules to consider when using cosmetics

Cosmetic products, which people don’t hesitate to spend a fortune for the sake of beautification, can bring more harm than good if not chosen correctly. Wrong choice of cosmetics can cause side effects such as cosmetic intolerance, skin sensitivity, eczema, acne and discoloration. Side effects of cosmetic products will be explained below.

cosmetic products

Indispensable for daily life

Cosmetics are products that are applied externally to beautify the external appearance of the person and have become an integral part of our daily life. Although they were originally produced to improve the mood of the person, there are also products that aim to repair the damage that may occur on our skin and delay the signs of aging in the skin in recent years.

Products with additives

Cosmetics containing many raw materials and additives are generally safe. However, undesirable side effects may occur due to the products. Some of the effects develop immediately after using the product, while others begin long after use. For this reason, it is possible for the person to have a reaction to a cosmetic that she has used in the past.

Undesirable side effects

Undesirable effects from cosmetics can be summarized as cosmetic intolerance, skin sensitivity, eczema, acne, skin discoloration. Side effects seen in the used area or very rarely systemic side effects caused by the product getting into the blood.

Cosmetic intolerance

Cosmetic intolerance manifests itself with signs such as burning, stinging, tingling and tension on the skin. After each application of the cosmetic product, complaints appear and sometimes become unbearable. It is accepted that sensory nerve sensitivity is responsible for their formation. People with this complaint should not use skin irritating products such as alcohol, vitamin A, alpha hydroxy acid. Cleansers, moisturizers and sunscreens prepared for sensitive skin are suitable options for these people.

Shampoo can cause eczema

Eczema is another side effect caused by cosmetics. There are two types of eczema: allergic and irritation eczema. Soaps, eye make-up products, moisturizers and shampoos are cosmetic product groups that can cause irritation. The reaction may develop immediately after use of the product, or may begin after prolonged use.

Symptoms such as burning, stinging and itching occur in the area where the product is used. When the patient continues to use the product, redness, flaking and dandruff occur. The main reason for this is the dryness of the skin and the damage to the protective layer. The skin of the eyelid is particularly sensitive to irritation because it is thin.

“Patch test” against eczema

User’s reaction to any substance in the product causes allergic eczema. Often fragrances, hair dyes, sunscreens and additives in them cause allergic eczema. It manifests itself in the form of redness, itching, watering and swelling on the skin. Patch test detects the substance that causes allergies. According to the test result, the allergic substance is detected and the person is informed about not using cosmetics containing that substance.

Don’t let the perfume stain your skin

Some substances in cosmetics may react chemically with ultraviolet rays in sun-exposed areas and cause a skin reaction. Perfumes, bergamot oil and aftershaves are in the cosmetic group that can cause these reactions. It may cause redness, blistering and color increase on the skin.

Does oily cream cause acne?

Acne-like formations are another side effect after the use of cosmetics. Oily face creams can cause this effect.

Side effects of cosmetic products: Rules to consider when using cosmetics

cosmetic products

  • Cosmetics according to skin type: People with oily skin should generally prefer skin-drying and water-based products, while those with dry skin should prefer moisturizing products that do not contain alcohol.
  • Read the label well: If the person has previously shown a reaction to a substance in the content of the cosmetic product, she should pay attention to whether that substance is present in the selection of a new cosmetic by looking at the label information.
  • Pay attention to the expiration date.
  • Do not apply it when there is an infection.
  • You shouldn’t sleep with make-up.
  • Do not share your cosmetic products with anyone.
  • If there are any side effects, leave it.

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All About Best Fan Products https://buyfromturkey.co/all-about-best-fan-products/ https://buyfromturkey.co/all-about-best-fan-products/#respond Sun, 04 Jul 2021 11:52:57 +0000 https://emcagroup.co/all-about-best-fan-products/ What is a fan? How does a fan work? Advantages and fields of application What types of fans are available? Desk Fans Standing fans Column fans Large fans to be installed on the floor The ceiling fan Pocket fans What should you watch out for when buying a ventilator? Alternatives to the fan The fan […]

The post All About Best Fan Products appeared first on Buyfromturkey.

  • What is a fan?
  • How does a fan work?
  • Advantages and fields of application
  • What types of fans are available?
  • Desk Fans
  • Standing fans
  • Column fans
  • Large fans to be installed on the floor
  • The ceiling fan
  • Pocket fans
  • What should you watch out for when buying a ventilator?
  • Alternatives to the fan
  • The fan is essential in summer to have a breeze at home. When there is no breath of wind outside, the drafts made by opening the windows are useless; on the contrary, they bring in warm air. There are fans of different design and price; the choice can be difficult.


    What is a fan?

    A ventilator is an electrical device with blades that turn to send the air in a specific direction. There are table, desk, pedestal and ceiling fans, but also column fans.

    Not all of them have oscillating mode, and some have a fogger or paired with an air purifier. Some ventilators work differently, without blades. You should not confuse the fan and air cooler; they are not quite the same thing. The second is halfway between the actual fan and the portable air conditioner.

    How does a fan work?

    Most of them operate with blades that rotate at a certain speed, stirring the air in the room. It is the fact that the air is in motion that more or less refreshes the people opposite, like a fan. With most fans, the airflow can be directed up or down the room and even use automatic oscillation.

    The column models operate without blades; they suck in air from the rear through a turbine and release it by projecting it from the front.

    A few gadget-like inventions have appeared recently, combining water spraying and ventilation for a wet breeze or air conditioning effect. Moreover, by adding ice cubes to the water tank, the sensation of cooling the air is multiplied.

    There are table or desk fans, others on pedestals, some even mixed. A few have a remote control. The fan is not an air cooler, although some have this option and vice versa. They are found at all prices; you have to be careful of those that are too cheap.

    Advantages and fields of application

    The fan is an indispensable device when it is very hot, and air conditioning is not available. At home, it prevents suffocation and can be taken with you to any room without any problem. At the office, you can take a small one with you, it doesn’t bother anyone, and you can concentrate on your work.

    In large rooms, where there are many people, devices with a high concentration of air prevent discomfort and allow you to breathe a little better. There are also pocket mini fans, sometimes in the shape of a fruit or an aeroplane, useful and pleasant for walking, both for adults and children, as well as huge fans for indoor or outdoor games, where extreme wind is essential.

    What types of fans are available?

    There are several types.

    Desk Fans

    These are small fans with blades, protected by a mesh shell, to be placed on the desk or table to cool the upper body when working or eating. The fresh effect can be accentuated by misting with water spray.

    Standing fans

    Like desktop fans, most of them have blades, and feature oscillation, multiple speeds and orientations, as well as a telescopic leg. Some are “design”, without blades, and blow cold and sometimes even heat. They have a futuristic appearance with their circular or oval shape. Some have a mist function.

    Column fans

    They also have no visible blades, which is safe, especially when you have young children or even slightly mischievous animals. Some oscillate, but all have several speeds. They are light and easily movable.

    Large fans to be installed on the floor

    These are windmakers. They are powerful and are used when there is a large concentration of people in the same place in hot weather. They are not directed directly at people but should act as draughts.

    The largest and most powerful are used for events with large crowds or games where the wind is very important, such as windsurfing chariot races made from skateboards and sheets.

    The ceiling fan

    With or without a lamp, it is a classic in seaside living. This ceiling light helps to form a flow of air and create a kind of breeze in the room. The air becomes more breathable in hot weather.

    Pocket fans

    They are so small they fit in a purse. They are battery operated and allow you to get some air when it is too hot outside.

    What should you watch out for when buying a ventilator?

    When buying a fan, check its power and the number of decibels emitted at “normal” speed. Then, you have to choose the best according to the use you will make of it: on a desk, in the bedroom, in the living room …

    On the aesthetic side, we prefer it with blades and retro or without blades and design; it is according to individual tastes. The price can be high for some, but if the fan also acts as an auxiliary heater, saving energy, you better not hesitate. The weight of the device is important if you have to move it often, its stability must be taken into account seriously if you have children or pets.

    Alternatives to the fan

    All of the fan alternatives listed here If it is really hot and you need to be ventilated when you do not have a fan, you can use a fan, a rigid calendar that you shake, but this is hardly the best way to go about your business.

    Other solutions exist: open the windows to create drafts, wet the veil curtains to accentuate the freshness in the room … There are also air coolers, which are a kind of fan that contains a water tank. The best alternative to the fan is still air conditioning with a fixed split. If it is inverted, it is even better: it will serve as a very economical heating system during the winter.

    If you wish to buy fan/ventilator from Turkey, please do not hesitate to contact us by mail at  [email protected] or to call us at +90 532 361 5149. We can help you to get in direct contact with producers or provide you with everything that you need.

    Please visit the company website for more information about their products. If you want to know about companies in Turkey, visit our website. 

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    Building a Boat : Different Stages https://buyfromturkey.co/building-a-boat/ https://buyfromturkey.co/building-a-boat/#respond Fri, 04 Jun 2021 13:54:28 +0000 https://emcagroup.co/building-a-boat/ The construction of a floating structure for building a boat (motorboat, restaurant, barge, pontoon, …) requires about 18 months from the initial request of the client to design his project to the final delivery. Different teams are involved throughout the process, which can be divided into 7 stages: 1. Design2. Industrialization study3. Arrival of raw […]

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    The construction of a floating structure for building a boat (motorboat, restaurant, barge, pontoon, …) requires about 18 months from the initial request of the client to design his project to the final delivery. Different teams are involved throughout the process, which can be divided into 7 stages:

    1. Design
    2. Industrialization study
    3. Arrival of raw materials
    4. Manufacturing of the hull
    4.1. Prefabrication of blocks or panels in the workshop
    4.2. Mounting/welding on the assembly marble
    5. Armament and layout
    6. Launching and finishing
    6.1. Preparation for the launch
    6.2. Floating finish

    Discover below these detailed steps and how our different professions, embodied by passionate professionals, guarantee the success of each of them for building a boat.

    1. Design for building a boat

    Just like the construction of a building or a dwelling, shipbuilding is subject to a preliminary design study called “Preliminary Summary Design (PSD)”. For building a boat, overall, design and structural plans allow to define all the technical and physical characteristics of the future boat. These elements are defined with the client, an architectural firm and an assistant project manager who rely on the standards and rules imposed by the future location, the final use of the structure as well as the various environmental and safety standards associated with it. From these elements, the “studies and projects” team can establish its first commercial proposal.

    2. Industrialization study for building a boat

    During this stage, the architects ‘ plans are transformed into a manufacturing plan adapted to the method and the infrastructures (means of production, handling and structures.). To start building a boat the sample of the structure is checked. Further more the team details the work plan by plan, element by element, from the panels used to create the bottom, the partitions to the different profiles, flanges and other elements to stiffen the structure, passing by the different elements constituting the work. The project managers in collaboration with the supply manager carry out the various orders relying on the supplier partners.

    3. Arrival of raw materials

    In building a boat, we receive on the site the raw materials and the various oxy-cut parts resulting from the nomenclature and cuttings established in the previous phase. The warehouseman processes this. Then, it is unloaded with a crane by the production teams. The crane operator is guided from the ground by radio by one of the boilermaker team leaders and his team in charge of securing the load during handling with different lifting accessories (e.g. spreaders, sheet metal tongs…). One of the car operators handles other elements.

    4. Manufacturing of the hull

    4.1. Prefabrication of blocks or panels in the workshop

    boat building

    In building a boat, crane, trailer and forklift truck transport the various elements necessary for the construction of the hull (sheets, profiles…) to the boiler workshop according to the process needs. In the workshop, the boilermakers bend and preform the elements of the future work with the help of various machine tools according to the desired shapes. Then they pre-assemble these boiler-made or mechanically welded elements to prepare them for the assembly phase and then for welding by the welders.

    4.2. Mounting/welding on the assembly marble

    During the assembly by the boilermakers, at each panel assembled to constitute the various compartments of the boat, we align the blocks with the telescope by taking as reference the assembly plate levelled at the beginning of the construction. In building a boat, the charged team places the panels on the marble with a crane and brings together with the help of jacks and hoists until they have placed the elements. At the end of the assembly, the welders weld all the elements together. At the end of this phase, the outer hull and the different compartments of the boat are assembled.

    5. Armament and layout

    Once we have mounted the hull and the various decks, various trades intervene to dress the hull of the boat, painters, masons, electricians, insulators, pipefitters, mechanics of edges and workshops… Each of these trades has its own requirements for carrying out its activities. The boilermakers and pipefitters thus make reservations at the places defined in advance on the recollage plans.

    Then, the electricians and edge mechanics begin to lay the equipment they are in charge of. Of course, these various activities create risks related to the intervention of these different trades in spaces as small as the hull of a boat. For this reason, the project manager and the production manager ensures the proper realization of these works in complete safety in consultation with the safety and environment facilitator.

    6. Launching and finishing on building a boat

    6.1. Preparation for the launch (ripping/shifting/painting of live works)

    After that, the shore draw team prepares the launch operation. Firstly, we shif the structure which consists in shifting the boat from the marble to the draw carriages on land, allowing the launch. This operation is carried out by means of so-called hauling or shifting winches which make it possible to translate the structure of the assembly marble as far as the axis of the draw track on land. Therefore, this translation allows the welders to finalize the bottom welds and painters, permanent subcontractors of the site, to paint the vivid works (part of the structure to immerse).

    6.2. Floating finish

    Finally, for building a boat, during this stage, crane places indicator lights on the trolleys on the ground. They allow to materialize the submerged trolleys and thus maintain the boat perfectly positioned on these trolleys in the axis of the track. The shore team can then progressively lower the structure on the rails until it reaches the water. After that, our team put the boat in the dock for finishing touches and navigation tests. Lastly, in the presence of the client, we carry out these tests. The project manager in charge of the work is also present with an on-board mechanic and an electrician to take over the motorization and turning part of the work if necessary.

    Boat building

    If you want to know more about boatbuilders in Turkey, please visit our Turkish marine sector yachting listings here or here.

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