Buyfromturkey We are connecting you with best wholesale material suppliers from Turkey Tue, 28 Sep 2021 20:49:55 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Buyfromturkey 32 32 Teen Room Decoration Tue, 28 Sep 2021 20:49:55 +0000 During the youth period, which is the most productive period of the person, the design of the teen room is of great importance. When the minds of the young people are both the most reflective and the freshest, the rooms of the young people will be a tool for them to feel productive, accessible, and […]

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During the youth period, which is the most productive period of the person, the design of the teen room is of great importance. When the minds of the young people are both the most reflective and the freshest, the rooms of the young people will be a tool for them to feel productive, accessible, and happy. For this reason, teen room designs are essential. Creating an environment where young people feel more comfortable is one of the greatest gifts given to them. If you want to prepare a room but do not know how to do it, we recommend reading this article.

The Importance of Colors for Teen Room Design

Colors are of great importance for teen room design as well as in all areas of our lives. The color to be chosen in the room may also vary according to the character and taste of the young person who will use the space. If a more dynamic and fun room is desired, one of the room walls can be painted a different color from the other walls. You can design it with fun posters on the other wall. If you want a calmer, more organized room look, you can create a room with light colors such as white.


At the same time, light colors will make the room appear more prominent.  Besides, the dark colors will make the room appear smaller. It would be best if you made color choices depending on the taste of the person you will prepare the space for. At this point, our recommendation is to choose lighter colors. They make the room look big and spacious and increase the productivity of young people. In addition, if the room owner is someone who is easily distracted, you should prefer pastel colors instead of vibrant tones. Moreover, you should design it more simply.

Functional Details in Teen Room Design

When the individual leaves childhood and progresses to adulthood in this active period, it is essential to meet his needs and feel comfortable in his room. These needs; working, resting, listening to music, doing activities, etc., are needs. The room size of each individual may not seem to meet these needs. However making room for the activities you want is not as difficult as you think. For example, if there is room for friends in the teen’s room, you can add an extra bed. Besides, if there is no space, you can put furniture that will not narrow the space.


One of the most critical steps to design a teen room is workspaces. For school-age youth, accessories that will not distract and work-incentive boards and lighting can use. The location of the work area should be close to the window. This allows to benefit from daylight and focus. If this is not possible, lighting should used on the work desk. At the same time, a nightstand should be placed next to the bed to encourage reading. Moreover necessary lighting should added here as well. Lighting is of great importance for the individual to feel safe in his environment.

Considerations for Design

Creating storage areas that will prevent clutter in the rooms of young people due to the mobility in their lives is among the issues to be considered. Storage areas, apart from cabinets, can also be created under bunk beds, bunk ladders, or drawers to save space.

For the teen room decoration, it is of great importance for the young person to reach many uses in the room. It is essential to have these uses feel free in their rooms and meet their every need.

In the teen room design, the parents and the young person who will use the room should have a say. If more than one young person uses the space, separate private areas should be left as much as possible. In this context, poster and panel selections that enliven the room according to the tastes of the young person can also made.

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Waterproofing Informations Tue, 28 Sep 2021 20:22:07 +0000 Applications made by various construction chemicals to increase the structures’ service life and make them resistant to abrasion, corrosion, or leaks called waterproofing. Waterproofing is an insulation made of a water-resistant material that is less affected by water than other materials. It prevents the building from getting water when used under certain conditions. It necessary […]

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Applications made by various construction chemicals to increase the structures’ service life and make them resistant to abrasion, corrosion, or leaks called waterproofing. Waterproofing is an insulation made of a water-resistant material that is less affected by water than other materials. It prevents the building from getting water when used under certain conditions.

It necessary for the protection of concrete and reinforcements, which are the carrier systems of the buildings, from wear and corrosion. You should make waterproofing applications during the construction phase of the buildings. It primarily done in basements, garages and cellars of buildings. In other words, you should do it to the parts of the building that are under the ground. The most damaging substance to the building is water and humidity. The entire structure can damaged when the foundation of the building receives water or moisture. This isolation prevents the building from absorbing water and moisture. Waterproofing ensures that the building has a longer life and is resistant to water.


How Is Water Insulation Made?

You should do the waterproofing in the most appropriate way for the building. It is different for each building. Waterproofing provides nearly 100% protection while the foundation of the building laid. Some factors make waterproofing difficult later on. The first of these factors is that the building is old. That is, it has already been weathered by moisture and water. The second is that it is the adjacent building. Finally, due to factors such as the ground structure of the region, the waterproofing of the building can not completed or waterproofing can not done. For this isolation, some rules must followed first. If there is a water leak in the foundation, this isolation can only be done from the inside. This insulation does not prevent the building from getting water. It only protects the underground areas from moisture.

Suitable Surfaces

There are many areas of buildings that come into contact with water, which we call wet areas. Examples of these areas are foundation walls, terrace roofs, bathrooms, kitchens, or toilets.

Waterproofing minimizes water leakage in pools, prevents water leaks in wet places such as bathrooms and WCs, saves water in water tanks, and prevents spills in hidden streams, roofs, terraces, balconies, windowsills, and foundations, or exterior walls of apartments.

Why Is Waterproofing Important?

 width=Soil absorbs water in precipitation, but when it is saturated with water, it can no longer absorb water and begins to give water. In today’s cities where there are buildings everywhere, it is not possible for the soil to absorb water anyway. That’s why we see that the parts of the buildings that are under the ground get water, there is moisture, and even flood in the rain. When the walls under the ground get wet, the carriers of the building are damaged. Exposure of the walls in the ground to moisture causes doubts in the soundness of the structure. Waterproofing is usually done on the lowest parts of the buildings, that is, in areas such as garages, cellars, warehouses, which are under the ground. For this, it is necessary to have waterproofing, especially when the building is still under construction.

Benefits of Waterproofing

Waterproofing protects the building and helps make it stronger. The sections under the ground in the waterproofed building can not exposed to water and moisture. So it provides the foundation of the building. A solid foundation means a solid structure. Waterproofing offers comfort to the building. In the areas where waterproofing  applied in the building, conditions such as mold can not encountered. This isolation increases the lifetime of the building. Thanks to the solid foundation this isolation, it becomes stronger and extends the life of the building. The benefits of waterproofing are basically to protect the building.

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Olive Oil Soap Tue, 28 Sep 2021 15:30:01 +0000 What is Olive Oil Soap How is Olive Oil Soap Benefits of Olive Oil Soap How to Make an Olive Oil Soap Useful Information People have a great interest in natural products. Natural products, which are especially beneficial, are frequently used. Olive oil soap is one of these products. It attracts attention with its smell […]

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What is Olive Oil Soap

How is Olive Oil Soap

Benefits of Olive Oil Soap

How to Make an Olive Oil Soap

Useful Information

People have a great interest in natural products. Natural products, which are especially beneficial, are frequently used. Olive oil soap is one of these products. It attracts attention with its smell and many benefits.


People have to use many products for their skin and hair. Because dandruff, itching and shedding can occur in the hair. On the skin, various skin problems are encountered, especially dryness. For this reason, natural products are sought after. Natural products are very beneficial for skin and hair.

How is It

It is a natural and beneficial product used especially for hair. Many people use this unique soap. It is seen that people who use olive oil soap are generally satisfied. Also, it is very rich in vitamins and minerals. Therefore, it is seen that it is very effective when applied to the skin and hair roots.

It has a nourishing feature. Because of this feature, it is used with great admiration by people. It is seen that people are satisfied with using this soap and use it frequently due to its features. The visible benefits appear in a short time in people who use olive oil soap regularly.

Benefits of It

– It helps to soften the hair,

– Prevents hair from getting electrified,

– It gives vitality to the hair,

– Reduces dandruff and helps to eliminate it,

– Nourishes skin and hair,

– Reduces hair loss,

– Helps to grow healthier hair,

– Revitalizes the skin and removes toxins,

– It has a moisturizing effect on the skin,

– It provides revival by shedding dead skins,

– Prevents wrinkles on the skin.

It has unique features. Because many benefits are obtained with a single soap. This is your chance to live a healthier life with benefits. To get this chance, you should use it regularly.

How to Make an Olive Oil Soap

Anyone who wants olive oil soap can make it at home. It is a natural soap and it is very valuable with the healing it offers. That’s why you can make it at home by preparing the ingredients.

– First, 6 glasses of water should be put in a large pot. Then a glass of caustic is added and mixed gently.

– Olive oil is taken into another container and heated at 40 degrees. When it reaches the same temperature, caustic and olive oil are mixed well.

– Then it is mixed for 10 minutes with the help of a mixer.

– After a 5-minute break, mixing is continued for 2 more minutes.

– The mixing process is finished when a thick consistency is achieved. Then it is wrapped with the help of a blanket and left for a day.

– The kept mixture is poured into molds and waited for 2-3 days. Then, the soaps removed from the molds should be left to dry for 2 months.

– Brushing is done as a final process and the soaps are ready to use.

Useful Information

Making it can seem like a bit of a mess. However, you can create a very successful soap by following the steps. You need to be patient for olive oil soap. After the construction phases are over, you have to wait for a while. The reason for this is to ensure that the soap is ready for use.

After it is ready for use, you can use it with pleasure. It is known that the most enjoyable part of making this soap is that it is worth the wait.

Massage the olive oil soap into your hair once or twice a week, wait for 3-4 minutes and rinse. For your skin, you can apply this soap to your skin and rinse, especially before going to bed. Also, you can use it during the day if you want.

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All About Argan Soap Tue, 28 Sep 2021 15:12:45 +0000 What is Argan Soap? What Does Argan Soap Do? How to Use Argan Soap How to Apply Argan Soap to Hair What Are the Benefits of Argan Soap? Argan soap is a rare and valuable soap obtained from the fruit of the Mediterranean Argan tree. Argan trees survive by growing on the desert sides of […]

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What is Argan Soap?

What Does Argan Soap Do?

How to Use Argan Soap

How to Apply Argan Soap to Hair

What Are the Benefits of Argan Soap?

Argan soap is a rare and valuable soap obtained from the fruit of the Mediterranean Argan tree. Argan trees survive by growing on the desert sides of the Mediterranean region. The oils obtained from the Argan tree have many uses. Apart from being used in the form of oil, it is also used as soap.

argan soap

Argan oil is a very valuable oil collected from the walnut part of the Argan tree. Argan soap produced with argan oil is used in many beauty products due to its multiple benefits. Women who have been in the Mediterranean region for years, uses argan oil soap or oil for healthy hair and skin. Soap obtained from argan oil, nourishes the skin, reduces moisture on behalf of nails and ensures shiny hair. This product, which is rich in antioxidants, prevents the skin from being affected by adverse weather conditions.

What Does It Do?

They are very useful in cosmetics since day one. With the use of it, which is in the beauty secrets, it contributes to the natural appearance of the skin. The reason why soap obtained from Argan tree is so popular is its effects and nutritional values. It has many benefits on the skin and hair.

How to Use It

It has all the ingredients of argan oil, as it is mainly composed of oils. It is very rich in omaga 6, essential fatty acids, antioxidants and omega 6, which prevents the skin from drying out. That’s why it literally has the power of repair.

How to Apply It  to Hair

People should use it instead of shampoo used in the bathroom. Before applying the soap to the hair, they should wash the hair and they should apply the soap to the hair by foaming it abundantly. The soap applied to the hair should be massaged and applied to the hair root for a few minutes.

What Are the Benefits of It?

– With the antioxidant in it, it prevents free radicals in the sun’s rays from damaging the skin. In continuous use, it supports the prevention of skin cancer.

– Vitamin E in it is used as a color lightener. It helps to remove dark spots on the skin. It helps to calm the skin while eliminating hyperpigmentation problems on the skin. This soap, which removes the imperfections of the skin, reduces the symptoms that cause skin diseases with its anti-inflammatory properties.

– Also, it is very rich in antioxidants. With this content, it softens the skin, brightens it and provides a smooth appearance. With its abundant vitamin E content, it provides water retention in the body. People also use it in products such as creams and lotions. It eliminates conditions such as blackheads, excess sebum and acne.

– It contains antifungal and antibacterial properties. In addition, it is effective for the solution of negative conditions such as wounds and fungi that occur or begin to form on the skin.

– With the antisebum substance in it, it is very successful in treating acne that occurs due to excess sebum during adolescence. Moreover, thanks to its anti-sebum content, which effectively proportions the sebum rate on the skin, it helps to eliminate all the negativities that occur on the skin. Argan oil soap has multiple benefits for the skin.

In conclusion, Argan soap is a product rich in antioxidants. With this content, it also moisturizes the skin while giving it a soft and smooth appearance. Thanks to its abundant vitamin E, it provides water retention in the body and is therefore used in products such as soap, cream, and lotion.

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Ocean Water Soap Tue, 28 Sep 2021 14:45:31 +0000 1- What is Ocean Water Soap? 2- What Does Ocean Water Soap Do? 3- What is Ocean Water Soap Good For? 4- How to Use Ocean Water Soap 5- Benefits of Ocean Water Soap for Skin 6- Benefits of Ocean Water Soap for Hair Ocean water soap is among the soap types used for personal […]

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1- What is Ocean Water Soap?

2- What Does Ocean Water Soap Do?

3- What is Ocean Water Soap Good For?

4- How to Use Ocean Water Soap

5- Benefits of Ocean Water Soap for Skin

6- Benefits of Ocean Water Soap for Hair

Ocean water soap is among the soap types used for personal care and skin cleaning. It is one of the natural soaps often preferred by many people with very dry or very oily skin, acne and blackhead skin. Ocean water soap gives a beautiful appearance to the skin due to the components such as minerals, oil and vitamins it contains, and softens the skin and makes it smooth.

ocean water soapWhat Does Ocean Water Soap Do?

Situations where it works;

  • Firstly, it is good for blackheads.
  • Secondly, it helps to remove acne.
  • Thirdly, it is good for facial freckles.
  • Fourthly, it keeps the skin’s pH balance and oil at a normal level.
  • Obtained from ocean water, this soap leaves a pleasant scent.
  • It moisturizes the skin.
  • Contributes to the passing of redness on the face.
  • It clears the skin from toxins and opens the pores.

What is It Good For?

Situations where it is good;

  • Thanks to the ocean water it contains, it leaves a pleasant scent on the body.
  • With the coconut oil in it, it moisturizes the skin and helps the face to be flexible.
  • Removes sunspots on the face.
  • Prevents skin aging.
  • Also, it helps the skin to have a smooth appearance.
  • It is perfect for removing black spots on the skin.
  • In addition, it dries up pimples and acne.
  • It helps the skin to breathe while opening the pores of the skin.
  • It cleanses the skin from toxins.

How to Use It

People should use it at most twice a day, morning and evening. It is necessary to rinse thoroughly without waiting too long with it applied to the face. People shouldn’t use it outside of the usage areas.

Benefits of It for Skin

It has very positive effects by removing skin redness. People can use it especially for the removal of skin redness caused by epilation-laser application, exposure to the sun, and various skin diseases. It helps the skin get rid of toxins. Also, it provides deep cleaning of the skin, helps to get rid of harmful toxins in the skin. In this way, it also prevents the formation of acne and blackheads.

Also, it has a structure that removes wrinkles. In addition, this soap prevents sagging by tightening the skin, nourishes the skin and contributes to the elimination of the effects of aging. It is important to use it continuously for the removal of skin wrinkles, cellulite and fine lines.

Moreover, it removes the freckles on the face. While helping to clean the skin, it helps the skin to be purified from dead cells with its peeling effect. It is recommended to be used continuously, especially in summer, to get rid of freckles that start to darken due to the negative effect of sun rays. It is possible to observe that the freckles are reduced to a certain extent with continuous use. Thanks to the vitamin E in it, it can be stated that it nourishes and moisturizes the skin.

Benefits of It for Hair

It is important to note that people shouldn’t use it for hair, they should use it only for the skin.

To sum up, it is a type of soap used for personal care and skin cleaning. It is among the soaps that are preferred by people with dry, oily, acne, blackheads and acne-prone skin. Thanks to the different components in its content, it helps the skin to look bright. It has multiple benefits.

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Seaweed Soap & Benefits of It Tue, 28 Sep 2021 14:09:05 +0000 What is Seaweed Soap? What Does Seaweed Soap Do? How to Make Seaweed Soap How to Use Seaweed Soap What Is Seaweed Soap Good For? What are the Benefits of Seaweed Soap for Skin and Hair? Seaweed soap is one of the first soaps that are beneficial for the skin. It is very useful in […]

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What is Seaweed Soap?

What Does Seaweed Soap Do?

How to Make Seaweed Soap

How to Use Seaweed Soap

What Is Seaweed Soap Good For?

What are the Benefits of Seaweed Soap for Skin and Hair?

Seaweed soap is one of the first soaps that are beneficial for the skin. It is very useful in terms of being made with natural methods and in terms of health. It is a unique cleaning product. What is Seaweed soap and benefits of it will be explained below.

seaweed soap

Seaweed soap provides flexibility to the skin with its elastin fibers and collagen, and is good for skin problems such as cellulite and skin dryness. It has antiseptic content along with vitamins A, B, C, E and salt. It protects the skin against germs and bacteria. Moreover, it prevents shedding by renewing fragile hair.

What Does Seaweed Soap Do?

The minerals and vitamins in the seaweed soap are very high. It is also very high in protein. In seaweed soap; There are also substances such as iodine and phosphorus. They are in the form of vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, B12, C and E. In general, there are many substances such as iron, selenium, potassium, beta-carotene, pectin, which are found in seaweed grown in the Caribbean.

How to Make Seaweed Soap

Seaweed is taken fresh from the sea and made into soap by making necessary processes. It is obtained by crushing the collected seaweed and making it into a paste, and pouring it into certain molds for cooling. Seaweed soap, which is obtained by cold methods, reduces the effects in it if it is made hot. For this reason, it is important to pay attention to the steps while doing it.

How to Use Seaweed Soap

People should use it daily and continuously. If it is used intermittently, it will not be possible to reach the desired state. Therefore, it is necessary to wash the skin with seaweed soap every day. Also, people can use it for body care. It helps to eliminate problems such as cellulite in the body. It will be possible to notice the change with the seaweed soap used continuously.

What Is Seaweed Soap Good For?

Situations where seaweed soap is good;

  • Seaweed soap is very useful for the skin. It helps to tighten the skin, making the skin soft. It has many benefits in balancing the moisture of the skin and brightening the face.
  • The minerals that the seaweed receives from the sea support the rest of the skin and give it a very unique shine.
  • When bathing with seaweed soap, it prevents skin aging.
  • Seaweed soap, which is rich in vitamins, relaxes the skin.
  • When you take a bath with seaweed soap, it literally removes the dead skin.
  • It removes acne when used regularly.
  • Seaweed soap is a unique source of cellulite.

What are the Benefits of Seaweed Soap for Skin and Hair?

Seaweed soap prevents serious drying of the skin. This soap moisturizes and protects the skin. It is very useful to soothe skin diseases. Also, it helps to remove cracks on the skin, provides removal of cellulite and thinning of the body. This soap, which helps to exfoliate the skin, supports the skin to gain brightness, nutrition and regeneration of the skin.

It is very beneficial for the hair as well as the benefits for the skin. Seaweed soap, which helps to straighten and easily shaped hair, which is frizzy and electrified very quickly, also eliminates dandruff and scalp problems. Therefore, it is recommended to use seaweed soap for hair care. This soap significantly soothes the scalp. It also contains nutrients that support hair growth. With the use of seaweed soap, it will be possible to remove dandruff in the hair and support hair growth.

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All About Lavender Soap Tue, 28 Sep 2021 13:18:00 +0000 1- What is Lavender Soap? 2- What Does Lavender Soap Do? 3- How to Use Lavender Soap? 4- Benefits of Lavender Soap for Hair 5- Benefits of Lavender Soap for Skin 6- Benefits of Lavender Soap for Body Lavender, together with its color, adds beauty to the environment it is in, but it is also […]

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1- What is Lavender Soap?

2- What Does Lavender Soap Do?

3- How to Use Lavender Soap?

4- Benefits of Lavender Soap for Hair

5- Benefits of Lavender Soap for Skin

6- Benefits of Lavender Soap for Body

Lavender, together with its color, adds beauty to the environment it is in, but it is also among the products that are used very frequently in skin care products today. It helps the skin to be purified from dead skin, thanks to its antiseptic feature. It also allows skin problems such as acne and pimples to disappear. All about Lavender Soap will be explained below.

lavender soap

It is produced from lavender flowers, oil and seeds, is known for its very relaxing and pleasant smell. This soap, which reveals very effective results for oily and sensitive skin, is perfect for removing nits and sweat odor in the hair. In addition, it is a soap that can be used to remove acne and pimples. It has skin cleansing properties. Also, it helps the skin to gain vitality and brightness, is also good for problems such as skin burns and tissue bruises, apart from the treatment of shingles. In addition, people produce it with completely natural methods and have many benefits.

What Does Lavender Soap Do?

It can be stated that it has more than one feature that works. However, it has antiseptic properties, helps the skin to get rid of excess dirt, oil, and negative skin problems such as acne and pimples. It keeps the oil rate of the skin at a normal level, also contributes to the drying of acne and acnes. It also gives effective results in terms of shingles treatment. Moreover it relaxes the body with the beneficial components in it.

How to Use Lavender Soap?

It is possible to use lavender soap on the skin, face and body. People can apply Lavender soap to the area where they want. After waiting for 2 minutes, the relevant area should be rinsed with warm water and dried with a towel. After the soap is used, it should be stored in a wooden and dry place, and it should be protected from sunlight.

Benefits of Lavender Soap for Hair

It has many benefits for hair. Also it is among the soaps that are effective against dandruff. Furthermore, it helps to remove dandruff by preventing the formation of dandruff, makes the hair soft and supports a bright and lively appearance.

Benefits of It for Skin

It has multiple benefits for the skin.

  • It helps to maintain skin health.
  • In addition, it helps to moisturize the skin.
  • Improves skin problems.
  • Protects the health of the skin.
  • Prevents the emergence of root odors such as sweat.
  • Contributes to the hydration of the skin.
  • It has anti-aging feature.
  • Also, it helps to remove blemishes on the skin.
  • It keeps the oil production in the skin at a normal level.
  • Repairs damaged skin.
  • It is successful in healing burns.
  • It helps to remove dead cells in the skin.

Benefits of It for the Body

With the combined effect of olive oil and lavender oil in lavender soap, it provides a relaxing feeling to the body. It also helps to relax the body. If people use it for a long time, it helps to calm the nerves in the body. It minimizes the negative effects of mental illnesses such as depression in the individual.

It is perfect for insomnia and has a relaxing effect on the body. Also, it has important effects in the treatment of tissue disorders, acne and acne. It helps the formation of new cells by supporting the removal of dead skin thanks to its cell renewal feature.

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What is Tar Soap? Tue, 28 Sep 2021 12:48:11 +0000 What is Tar Soap? What Does Tar Soap Do? How Is Tar Soap Made? How to Use Tar Soap? What are the Benefits of Tar Soap for Hair? What are the Benefits of Tar Soap for Eczema? Soap varieties are used by many people for the purpose of solving some problems in the body and […]

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What is Tar Soap?

What Does Tar Soap Do?

How Is Tar Soap Made?

How to Use Tar Soap?

What are the Benefits of Tar Soap for Hair?

What are the Benefits of Tar Soap for Eczema?

Soap varieties are used by many people for the purpose of solving some problems in the body and the skin, for cleaning. Tar soap is among the soap types preferred for this purpose. Tar soap, which has been used by women for thousands of years to beautify, draws attention with its black color.

tar soap

As it is known, soap can be obtained from many substances. Soap is actually the NA or K salts of known fatty acids. People research soap types and use the most effective soap types in order to find benefits for their bodies.

What Does Tar Soap Do?

It is obtained by using the oil extracted from the juniper tree, which is known to be beneficial around the world, is tar soap. This soap is effective in protecting skin and hair health.

It works for hair growth. Because it strengthens the scalp cells, which are effective in hair growth.

It cleans the skin deeply, allowing it to breathe. People use it not only on the hair but also on the skin. It eliminates problems such as blackheads and acne on the skin. In this way, the skin looks healthy and clean.

How Is Tar Soap Made?

It has been made since ancient times, as it is very effective in breaking down microbes.

Also, it is produced completely organically. No chemicals are added to its content. Therefore, it has no side effects.

For the production of it, tar oil, high acidity, organic vegetable oils and sodium hydroxide raw material are needed.

These substances are mixed under the heat parameter and a saponification effect is achieved. In some cases, food colorants can be added when making it.

The prepared soap mortar is poured into lubricated molds. These molds are left to rest for at least one day and are expected to cool. The last process in making it is cutting and waiting for it to rest again.

It is actually not easy to make. In fact, the companies that manufacture this soap achieve the desired saponification consistency after a few tries. Because the most important point in the production of it is good saponification feature.

How to Use It?

tar soap

It is used on hair and skin. Therefore, before using the soap, it should be softened a little under water. You can wash your face, skin and hair with the softening tar soap. You can rub it with massage movements for about three minutes and apply it to the areas where the skin needs to be washed.

After these procedures, you should use plenty of water. In addition, the foam of tar soap can be used as a mask on the skin. All you have to do is store the tar soap in a dry place to be able to store it.

What are the Benefits of It for Hair?

It is especially effective on dry and sensitive hair. Because it has the feature of moisturizing dry hair.

It also prevents hair breakage and loss. Further, it is also used in the treatment of lice, especially in the hair. It reduces dandruff that may occur in the hair.

What are the Benefits of It for Eczema?

It is used in the treatment of psoriasis and eczema. Because this soap cleans the skin, purifies it from microbes, eliminates acne, reduces blackheads, gives shine and vitality to the skin, and causes the skin to look healthy.

As you know, eczema is a skin disease. In this disease, the skin becomes dry, flaky and patchy wounds occur and itching occurs. Since it also destroys germs in infections, it cleans infected areas such as eczema and allows the skin to breathe.

Eczema can also occur from dry skin. Naturally, the incredible moisturizing effect of it on the skin will be good for places with eczema.


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Sneakers Selection Tips Mon, 27 Sep 2021 20:55:10 +0000 Sneakers are a type of shoe that offers the comfort and convenience requested from a shoe. People who prioritize comfort prioritizing foot health should buy sneakers suitable for their foot structure. For this, there are some points to consider when choosing sports shoes. If you don’t know what to consider when selecting your sneakers, you […]

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Sneakers are a type of shoe that offers the comfort and convenience requested from a shoe. People who prioritize comfort prioritizing foot health should buy sneakers suitable for their foot structure. For this, there are some points to consider when choosing sports shoes. If you don’t know what to consider when selecting your sneakers, you should read our article.

Sneaker Selection

It isn’t very easy for a person to choose sneakers according to their body type and foot structure. While doing this, it is necessary to consider various criteria. It will provide both comforts and will be valuable in terms of health. It is essential to choose by keeping the problems that may arise from the shoes in the forefront. When choosing sports shoes, it is necessary to determine in which area they will use them. The sneakers that will use for the long road and the short road differ from each other. Keeping the only score form in the foreground is more critical when choosing sports shoes used in routine life and long routes. The person should choose by prioritizing foot health. In addition, after the selection made, it is essential to choose shoes in the color and model that suits his taste and to feel comfortable during the day.

What Should We Consider When Choosing Sneakers?

 width=Having specific criteria when choosing sneakers will ensure that the desired efficiency can obtain from the shoes used continuously in the future. If sports shoes are selected and worn for the first time, sports shoes should purchased before long walks. Due to its structure, it expands and swells due to standing for a long time. This may cause a larger shoe size to be preferred when choosing.

When choosing sneakers, the shoes should feel comfortable inside, not squeezing and not hitting the foot after the trials made from the moment they are worn. Due to its foot structure is suitable for sweating comfortably as it stays in a closed area. For this reason, it is vital that the type of shoes to be selected can breathe comfortably.

Breathing sneakers can throw the moisture out without trapping it inside. This prevents many foot diseases and odors. A foot that is constantly in a closed area and gets wet and moist paves the way for fungal growth. It is necessary to pay attention to this when choosing shoes. After wearing it a few times, intense sweating and foul odors indicate that a wrong choice has been made in the preferred shoes.

How to Tell the Right Sports Shoes?

Choosing sports shoes is essential in ensuring comfortable walking. The genetic structure of the foot should be compatible with the sports shoes to be selected. High pains that may occur due to long-term use cause a result that will affect the performance of the foot over time. To understand the right sneaker for the foot, it is necessary to pay attention to the following: width=

  • It would  best to choose shoes that do not cause pain and pain in the ankle parts when the foot is worn.
  • This shoe is the right choice for you if it shows high resistance against the pressure exerted by the whole body on foot from the moment it is worn.
  • Shoes, which can transfer the moisture inside, also prevent the formation of foul odor.
  • You should choose this shoe if it has a soft structure that can stretch easily and comfort the toes.
  • There is a protected area in the heel part of each shoe towards the beam part called Achilles. This place is essential for the person to be comfortable during long walks.
  • The foot should not fit into the shoe properly; a space of at least 1 cm allows the fingers and foot to move quickly. For this reason, it may be good if your sneakers are one size larger for your feet.
  • Every sole is different from each other, and many people may have diseases caused by the soles of the feet. The fact that the main sole of the shoe to be selected is suitable and that the problem found is overcome more easily from the moment it is worn indicates the choice of the right sports shoe.

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Plastic Materials and Industrial Codes Mon, 27 Sep 2021 20:14:29 +0000 Plastic is the common name for many artificial materials that can be easily shaped by molding, rolling, or any other technique. The word plastic comes from the Greek word plasticos, which means to form. Sometimes rubber and also other similar natural products are included in the definition of plastic. The most important feature of most […]

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Plastic is the common name for many artificial materials that can be easily shaped by molding, rolling, or any other technique. The word plastic comes from the Greek word plasticos, which means to form. Sometimes rubber and also other similar natural products are included in the definition of plastic.

The most important feature of most plastic materials is that they soften without melting when heated and can be easily shaped by mechanical means when they are soft. When they are cooled, they harden again. This feature is due to the molecular structure of plastics. Further, plastic materials are composed of multiple networks of polymer molecules. Polymers form long chains of molecules that loosen under heat and interlock again when cooled. All plastics obtained as a result of a polymerization process.

Classification of Plastic Materials

 width=Plastic materials divided into two main classes: thermoset and thermoplastic. Thermosets are resins. It does not dissolve and melt when heated. Phenolic resins, furan resins, aminoplast, alkyds and unsaturated acid polyesters, epoxy resins, polyurethanes, and silicones are also types of thermosetting resins.

Thermoplastics, on the other hand, can melted and also cured many times. Cellulose derivatives, addition polymers (polyethylene, polypropylene, vinyl acrylics, fluorocarbon resins, and polystyrenes), condensation polymers, nylons, Polyethylene terephthalate, polycarbonates, and polyamides) are also thermoplastics.

Forming Plastic Materials

Plastics are materials that can quickly processed, inexpensive, light and resistant to edging. Although plastic produced from natural resources such as coal and cellulose, the most essential material is petroleum. So, various methods can shape plastic materials. The extrusion method, in which the powdered plastic melted. Then, it compressed with a screw conveyor in a hot or cold chamber, and pulled from a duvet, one of the leading plastic processing techniques. Other plastic materials processing techniques include rolling, heat hardening in hydraulic presses, injection molding, and also casting. Afterwards, finishing processes such as forming different shapes by mechanical means or laser, processing by heating can be applied to plastic products. Therefore, it has replaced metals in many applications.

Brief History of Plastic

The first semi-synthetic plastic was discovered by accident. In 1848, Swedish chemist Christian Friedrich Schoenbein (1799-1868) boiled a mixture of sulfuric and nitric acid in the laboratory. The mixture spills onto the floor, and Schoenbein wipes the floor with his cotton apron, rinses the apron with water. Then, he hangs it on the hot stove to dry. After that, the apron dries, it suddenly burns with flames and turns into ashes. Thus, he discovered nitrocellulose (guncotton).

The first plastic to be obtained was Parkesin, which English chemist and inventor Alexander Parkes developed in 1862 by softening nitrocellulose with vegetable oils and a little camphor. American printer John Wesley Hyatt discovered the plasticizing effect of camphor and thus, patented celluloid in 1869. Moreover, in 1909, US chemist Leo Hendrik Baekeland prepared Bakelite, an all-artificial plastic material, from phenol and formaldehyde. Later, due to the developments in molecular physics and macromolecules, many other plastic types such as nylon, polyethylene, polyvinyl chloride (PVC), polyurethane developed.

Industrial Codes width=

  • ABR Acrylonitrile-butadiene rubber
  • ABS Acrylonitrile-butadiene styrene rubber
  • ACM Acrylester-2-chlorovinyl rubber/Ether rubber
  • ANM Acrylester acrylonitrile
  • APP Atactic polypropylene
  • AU Polyester urethane rubber
  • BIIR Bromo-isobutene-isoprene rubber
  • BR Butadiene rubber
  • CA Cellulose acetate
  • CAP Cellulose acetate propionate
  • CF Cresol-formaldehyde
  • CIIR Chloro-isobutene-isoprene rubber
  • CMC Carboxymethylcellulose
  • CN Cellulose nitrate
  • CO Polyepichlorohydrin
  • CP Cellulose propionate
  • CPE Chlorinated polyethylene
  • CPET Crystal PET
  • CPVC Chlorinated polyvinylchloride
  • CR Chloroprene rubber
  • CS Casein
  • CSM Chlorosulfonated polyethylene
  • DBP Di-butyl phthalate
  • DCP Di-capryl phthalate
  • DIDA Di-isodecyl adipate
  • DIDP Di-isodecyl phthalate
  • DIOA Di-isooctyl adipate
  • DIOP Di-isooctyl phthalate
  • DNODP Di-n-octyl, n-decyl phthalate
  • DNP Di-nonyl phthalate
  • DOA Di-octyl adipate
  • DOP Di-octyl phthalate
  • DOS Di-octyl persistence
  • DOSE Di-octyl azelate
  • DPCP Diphenyl cresyl phosphate
  • DPOP Diphenyl octyl phosphate
  • EAM Ethylene-vinyl acetate rubber
  • EC Ethylcellulose
  • ECO Epichlorohydrin ethylene oxide copolymer
  • EP Epoxy
  • EPDM Ethylene-propylene-diene rubber
  • EPM Ethylene-propylene rubber
  • EU Polyether urethane rubber
  • EVA Ethylene-vinyl acetate copolymer
  • EVOH Ethylene vinyl alcohol
  • FEP Fluoro ethylene-propylene copolymer
  • FFKM Fluorinated rubber
  • FKM Fluorinated rubber
  • FR Polyisopropene rubber
  • HDPE High-density polyethylene
  • IIR Isobutene-isoprene rubber
  • IR Isoprene rubber (synthetic)

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