Arçelik is a Household Appliances Company in Turkey. Arçelik was founded in 1955 by Vehbi Koç and Lütfi Doruk. It is a white goods company based in Turkey. From its inception until now, the company has added success to its achievements. It produced the first washing machine in 1959 and the first refrigerator in 1960., it started mass production of the fridge with the enterprise installed in Eskişehir in 1975. Dishwasher plant started production in 1993. Ardem Pişirici ve Isıtıcı Cihazlar Sanayi A.Ş joined them In 1999. In 2001, it began to sell and market Beko branded products in the domestic market. In 2002, it acquired the Austrian white goods company Elektra Bregenz. It then acquired the German white goods company Blomberg. Later, the Romanian refrigerator brand Leisure and Flavel joined
Arçelik - Household Appliances Company in Turkey
Arçelik. By 2005, the foundations of the factory in Russia had been laid; and became operational about one year later. They began manufacturing Beko LLC refrigerators and washing machines. During the same periods, Beko became the leader of the UK fridge market. By 2008, BekoElektronik A.Ş. Changed into Grunding A.Ş. Grundig Electronics co-operated on the production of LCD TVs for Sony. In 2009, Turkey’s first 4-Door refrigerator was produced. 30% more efficient than the energy class of the world’s less energy-consuming washing machine was produced. The world’s quietest, fastest, and least water-consuming dishwasher was introduced. Turkey’s first 3D LED television was produced in 2010. The first A+++ No-Frost refrigerator was produced in its class, “consuming the least electrical energy in the world.” In 2014, Arçelik A.Ş. took its place among the 15 companies that succeeded in the “BIST Sustainability Index”. In 2015, the foundations of the Thailand Refrigerator Factory were laid.
Arçelik A.Ş. has accumulated successes over the years. Today, 30 thousand employees worldwide with Turkey, Russia, China, Romania, South Africa, in 7 different countries, including Pakistan and Thailand, has a production facility. Today, with 30 thousand employees worldwide, it has production facilities in 7 different countries, including Turkey, Russia, China, Romania, South Africa, Pakistan, and Thailand. In addition, it offers products and services in more than 130 countries with 33 sales and marketing offices in 31 countries and 11 brands (Arçelik, Beko, Grundig, Blomberg, Elektrabregenz, Arctic, Leisure, Flavel, Defy, Altus and Dawlance). It provides products and services in more than 145 countries, including 18 manufacturing plants in 7 countries, 34 sales and Marketing Office organizations operating in 32 countries. In Turkey, it is the leader in the industry with more than 50% market share in white goods, inset, and air conditioning. It is the largest-growing company in TV with a market share of over 28%. It is the third-largest white goods company in Europe concerning total sales. It is the leader of the market with Pakistan’s leading white goods company, Dawlance.
Since its establishment, Arçelik A.Ş. has adopted the principle of providing quality products that facilitate and enrich the lives of its customers. Acting with the understanding of customer satisfaction and environmental awareness, the company defines the secret of its success as “quality products, superior sales force and effective after-sales services.” The secret of Arçelik A.Ş.’s success is “product quality, strong sales organization, and effective after-sales services.” This formula has never changed since its establishment.
With the awareness of the responsibility of “Sustainable Life,” ARÇELİK A.Ş. aims to protect the environment and natural resources throughout its “product life cycle” with its environmentally friendly activities and products. ARÇELİK A.Ş integrates its new vision “Respect to the World, Respected by World” and “sustainability” approach to its principal business activities. The main business goals set in line with the new vision represent three aspects of sustainability: economic, environmental and social dimensions.
Aiming to “be a part of the solution” within the framework of a sustainable approach, ARÇELİK A.Ş. continues its efforts to protect climate change and limited natural resources. ARÇELİK A.Ş.’s production processes have high efficiency, consuming less natural resources.
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