Category: Construction Products

Sep 28
Waterproofing Informations

Applications made by various construction chemicals to increase the structures’…

Sep 26
Briquette – Light Weight Building Material

Briquette is a light weight building material. It consists of volcanic silicate…

Sep 26
What is Bims (Pumice)?

Bims have been used in the construction industry in recent years, especially for heat…

Sep 26
Aerated Concrete Usage Areas

Aerated concrete, which provides versatile contributions to buildings and is the first…

Sep 25
What is Concrete and How is it Produced?

When concrete is mentioned, gray stone comes to mind. Its gray or similar color is…

Sep 21
PVC Windows Advantages

One of the most important materials of door and window systems lately is PVC. It bears…

Aug 18
Turkish Construction Industry and Its Development

The construction industry and, accordingly, the construction materials industry has an…

Jul 21
Painting a House Tips

People who want to paint their house wonder what should be considered when painting a…

Jul 20
Exterior Ceramic Models and Features

Exterior ceramic models come in many different designs. It is in the exterior cladding…

Jul 04
All About Best Air Purifiers Products

What is an air purifier? How does an air purifier work? Advantages and fields of…

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